Tovek Drive Systems is a company that specializes in designing parts that are made out of multiple materials which can be used for many different applications. Assemblies are then created from these parts which can simulate how the product will work in real life! After creating the assemblies; renderings, orbital movies, exploded views, and presentations of parts/assemblies can be created to explain, show, and present your ideas all over the world. 

Jake Clark is the founder of Tovek Drive Systems and has 7 years of CAD experience. He holds an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Mechanical Drafting & Design from the Minnesota State Community and Technical College. A year prior to receiving the degree, he started working at a local manufacturing company that produces products for the waste-water industry. He holds the position of Lead Designer for this company, and specializes in the following areas: Design, Documentation Control, Revision Control, Mechanical & Electrical Standards, Production flow, Jig & Fixtures, CNC programming, as well as 3D printing.

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